Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Below is my INTASC evaluation.
Just copy and paste the URL and it should take you to it!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Website!

I have included a link below that will take you to my website. I created this website at the beginning of the year to blog my experience through grad school. I think that if I decide to make a Miss Lally teacher page, I will use Google Sites because it is compatible with all of the google sites that I have explored in this course. It makes a lot more sense, and I would like to be able to share and collaborate with other teachers using technology. Google tools are great for that!
For now, enjoy my blog below. Be sure to click on the "links" on my page. There are a lot of useful resources there!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Tech Standards and Requirements

The new Educational Technology Standards for Oregon are a good thing. When I first started my journey towards becoming a teacher, my first concern was being able to keep up with my students since younger generations seem to be surpassing older generations technologically. These new standards force teachers to face these challenges and implement technology to enrich our classrooms. Since OTEN and this Ed Tech course, I have been learning many new and exciting strategies for implementing technology into my classroom. I am going to be big on group projects throughout the year, and giving students access to technology is a great way to promote creativity and innovation. Tools like Yodio, Photostory, Doodle, Scribblar, TokBox, Screen Toaster, UStream, Podcasts, Skype, Google Docs, Websites, and Blogs allow students to interact with each other and collaborate together in school. If schools have the resources to do so, I would like to take my students to the computer lab each week, and allow them to explore these tools, and familiarize with them in order to use them. Eventually, I would like to create a class website where parents can visit and view their child's projects and progress. Websites can also be a place where I can blog with other teachers, parents and even students because communication is a vital part of a student's school experience. I also learned at the OTEN conference that there are many resources and grants that allow you to borrow or purchase different tools to keep in your classroom; like Ipods, Videocameras, Itouches, recorders, and laptops. Having these tools will open up many doors and teach kids the value of technology and responsibly embedding it in their education.
Technology in the classroom opens many doors for success. In this day in age, it is necessary to use it. The best thing is, most of these tools are easy to use, fast effective, and right at our finger tips. :) Enjoy!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Photo Story 3 Presentation

My group did a project using Photo Story 3. We used pictures of Greg Sykora's journey to Sea World to create a scripted story using pictures. This was a simple tool to use and took us only minutes to create an awesome interactive slideshow for Greg. My favorite part of this tool was that there were so many options to 'spice" up your Photo Story. For example, you can place the text anywhere on the photo, you can add color, clip arts, and my favorite, background music to accompany your project. Most importantly, my group had a lot of fun making one. Below is a video of our experience and insights of Photo Story 3. Enjoy!

Here is our Photo Story example of Greg's adventures. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Analyzing Student Data in a Spreadsheet

I recently did a student data analysis using a spreadsheet. Excel is the most difficult thing for me to work with, but to each his own. Once I learned the tools, though, it was exciting to use them. Although Excel overwhelms me, the functions of it are truly awesome and extremely useful!

Based on my graph it seems like Renee, Walter, and Queen are significantly below average, and need focused individual instruction to catch up. Katherine, Eric and Charlie are closer to averagethan the previous three, but need to be pushed in order to reach it. The rest of the students, Dan, Anais, Thrugood, and Jason, are very close to the average, and may just need some extra help after school to easily reach the average. This may be only 15-30 mins a day to get them caught up.
One significant trend with test 6-8 was that besides two of them, most of the below average students are improving their test scores.Which is hopeful!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Skype Experience!

Skype is awesome! I hope my enthusiasm shows through. I say this because I am not a technological genius in any way shape or form, so my favorite part of Skype is how easy it is to set up and use. I recently created a Skype account and immediately put it to use, testing it out, and talking to friends across the state. I have been using it as a fast, effective, and cheap way to communicate with others who are not close by. You never have to worry about cost, time, or distance.
I can even use Skype as a teacher, setting up chats with other teachers. I also think it would be fun to get a Skype account for my classroom, and set it up on a projector, and all my students to communicate with other teachers, students, or role models across the map. This is an interactive tool that opens up many windows of opportunity!

Web2.0 Tool Demo

Kristen, Katy and I put together a presentation of DOODLE found below! Please enjoy. This tool is very useful and a great thing to use as a teacher!